Beagle Harrier Dog

Beagle Harrier is a breed of dog originating from France. It is a scenthound, originally bred to hunt hares.
Beagle Harrier looks like a little harrier or a huge Beagle. At the withers, it stands 45 to 50 centimeters (18 to 20 inches) tall and weighs 19 to 21 kilos (42 to 46 pounds). This dog is of medium size. Typically, its coat is tricolored, with tan, white, black, or fawn. Beagle Harrier Dog have tricolor, or gray coats. Typically, they have a strong body with a thick, smooth coat.
The Breed of this dog  is a mild, sweet, very calm, affable and gentle in its actions. It is one of the easiest hunting breeds for handling and it is always tolerant and reasonably lively. For its body it is clearly better if it can live permanently with the owner and owner´s family. If it is properly socialized, it tolerates with other dogs well, with all pets and children is never aggressive.
Beagle Harrier

About the Beagle Harrier Dog

Baron Gérard, although considered the father of the breed, emphasized endurance and persistence but when selecting traits, so ensuring that dog could always follow the mounted battue in a pack without losing cohesion. This focus has made that harrier dog is easy to train but full of enthusiasm.

As an elegant blend of both breeds, these dogs are versatile scenthounds as capable of tracking hares, foxes, roe deer, or wild boar.

Breed Specifics:

Country: France

Size category: Medium

Avg life expectancy: 12-13 years

Calm / Loyal / Quiet / Even-tempered

Key facts:

Needs outdoor space
Ideal family pet dog
Early training is essential